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Employer Awards

What makes a great employer?

Our efforts were once again rewarded: With the Leading Employer Award!
  • 06.05.2024
    Jana Holtkamp
What makes a great employer?

At symmedia we are a team that achieves great things: The highest security standards, innovative solutions, and shaping the digital future. But what would we be without all the talents that contribute to these things daily? Our employees are our most valuable resource and it’s on top of our priorities to keep them happy and healthy.

In a work field, where changes are constant and quick, it is more important than ever to take care of each other and become a team. Programs like FitForFuture, symHappiness events, and education for everybody are natural to us. The highest goal is to achieve a good balance in life and provide a great workplace for everybody.

Awards like the Leading Employer motivate us to keep getting better and never to stop thinking about new ways to keep our team satisfied. For the third time in a row, we achieved to be honored within the top 1% of Germany’s employers. This award validates our hard work and provides great insights for further improvement.

The study is independent research done by the Institute of Research and Data Aggregation GmbH in Hamburg. Topics that they investigate are ESG (Environment, Social and Governance), innovation, talent communication, diversity, inclusion, equality and many more. We are particularly proud to have scored high in “applicant and employee satisfaction”. The rating for this category forms out of recommendations rates, benefits, culture, and prosperity.

We are happy to be able to provide our team a positive workplace where they feel welcome and can unfold their potential. Let’s keep growing and keep getting better for a great future together!

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