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Schlagwort: symHealth

symmedia beim AOK-Firmenlauf

„After the Hermann Run, it’s time for jogging.“ That’s what a group of symmedia employees thought as they registered for this year’s AOK Company Run in Wiedenbrück. In mid-June, the day finally arrived, with sunny weather and a well-organized program including drinks and snacks, promising a great evening. The seven symmedia employees were in high spirits and optimistic as they lined up at the starting line. The challenge was to complete a total of six kilometers, consisting of three laps around the “Emssee”...


Mit dem Bike ins Büro

Sometimes it’s surprisingly easy to do something good for your health while combining the pleasant with the useful. At symmedia, we recognized on that the bicycle is not only the top choice for everyday physical activity but also a key component of a new understanding of mobility. As part of our „Fit For Future“ program, we have implemented a range of measures to promote bike commuting for our symmedians, allowing us to enjoy the benefits of both health and practicality! Win/win with an official certificate Since 2017, the General German Bicycle Club (ADFC)...


symmedia beim Hermannslauf 2023

Every year on the last Sunday in April, more than a thousand walkers and runners join the “Hermannslauf”: It covers a distance of 31.1 kilometres from the eponymous Hermann Monument near Detmold to Sparrenburg Castle in Bielefeld – and just as in the year before, we met as a team of symmedians to take part! At 6:30 in the morning, the bus transfer took us from Bielefeld to Detmold to the Hermann Monument, where the starting signal was given on time at 8:00am and our group of hikers set off under blue skies and beautiful sunshine. Soon the...


Fit for Future: Das Programm

symmedia consists of symmedians – that’s why it’s important to us that our team is in shape and healthy. With our Fit for Future program, we create the perfect conditions to get body and mind in top shape: our symmedians can use a total of three hours of their week’s working time for sport, nutrition and personal skills. The two program areas „Health“ & „Sharpen The Saw“ are all about physical and mental health. Here’s what we do and what you can do: Job-Bike: The future belongs to bikes? Just what we think! That’s why we offer you a „job...
